Sep 22, 2008

Financial Peace University - Week 1

Natalie and I began the Financial Peace University that was founded and taught by Dave Ramsey.  We're excited to be on our way to being debt free and providing a secure future for our family.

Week 1 is called "Super Saving."  Dave's points are...
1. Saving must become a priority
2. Save for an emergency fund, purchases, and wealth building
3. Decide and agree with your spouse on what qualifies as an emergency

Sep 14, 2008

New Site: Gospel-Centered Parenting

I launched a new blog to resource parents in helping raise their kids according to principes of the gospel of Christ.  Updates are frequent and it's a great resource for any parent.

Help spread the word!

Sep 12, 2008

ESV Study Bible

Getting one of these in the following time...

New blog site!

Attention Parents!  Feel free to check out this new resource on biblical parenting I've been working on...

Gospel-centered parenting is different from all other forms of parenting because its primary goal is the salvation of the child's soul, which results in a changed heart and changed behavior for the glory of God.

Therefore, the focus of gospel-centered parenting is to parent in a way that models and instructs the life and redemptive work of Jesus Christ.